Now you know your face shape and can cheerfully browse online to find out what hairstyle or hair color you like best.
Basically, there is a very simple principle when it comes to hairstyle and face shape: if the latter is rather striking and striking, it is emphasized even more by a striking hair color or a particularly dominant haircut. However, if you have a rather inconspicuous face shape, you can also let it crack a bit in terms of Color & Cut ...
Usually it is the women who are not quite as satisfied with their natural hair color. And so blonde women often yearn for raven-black hair, while dark-haired women indulge in the dream of being blonde. The desire to color his hair differently is not a modern one - even 3000 to 4000 years ago, hair coloring with the natural dyes henna or indigo was a roar. But even then it was probably known that not every real hair wigs hair color is suitable for every type. And so the question still arises today: Which hair color actually suits me?
What is beauty - which hair colors suit whom? Of course, this question cannot be answered in general, that would be presumptuous. Finally, it cannot be said that dark hair cannot suit a light type a priori, or that fair-skinned people with a black crest of hair did not go down well.